Welcome to Gamers Thought!

I might have caught your little interest with the name of my site. Yes! I know how much we all love the PC gaming these days. I am Ramkrishna, a professional gamer. Few of my favorite games are Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, Battlefield, Call of Duty, Tom Clancy’s The Division, Fifa 19, Counter Strike, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds and more.

Ramkrishna at Gamers Thought I am actually an SEO specialist by profession, but in my free time, I love to play different games. Now it has become my addiction. I spend a few hours of my day for gaming and research. As different people ask me different questions about gaming, I thought of helping people with my little knowledge.

I have been playing different action games, adventure games, fighting games, and horror games for the last six years. Gaming is not easy as you are thinking. You have to put a lot of concentration, do a lot of research and build some extra skill to play the game. As most of the games are played virtually connecting players from different parts of the world, you have to be very smart and up to date about gaming and gadgets.

A lot of accessories and gears are required in playing different games. As different types of accessories and gears for games are available in the market; you might get confused easily which one to buy. As I have to try out different gears and accessories for the gaming, I do a lot of research before buying them. I also try out different accessories until I become satisfied completely.

So, on my website, you will get reviews about new games, all the necessary accessories, and gear which are required for playing the game. Yes, I do affiliate for the products you will find on my website. But come on, I can expect this little favor from you, right? If you liked any of my reviews and convinced to buy products after reading my review, you can buy products following my affiliate link. In this way, both of us will be benefited, and I will get motivation for my research more. If you have any inquiry about anything reach me with contact us page or social media.